Our team

Our team consists of highly qualified actuarial professionals, all share the same philosophy and the same passion for advice and service. Everything to assist you in your day-to-day needs as well as in case of events requiring more sophisticated support.

Management Team

Éric Taillon

President and CEO

Éric founded ACT | actuaries in 1998 after eight years of working for life insurance companies as well as consulting with a pension and group insurance actuarial firm.

As a true entrepreneur, Éric lives and breathes the challenges facing business leaders every day. He blends a rigorous and personalized approach with quality, professional advice, and innovative tools to set ACT apart from the competition.

Éric is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries and of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries.

Karoline Laroche

Vice-president, group insurance

With more than 25 years of experience in benefit programs with insurance companies and actuarial firms, Karoline holds incredible insight into what makes a solid group insurance plan tick: Design and fair premiums.

A Bbachelor’s in actuarial sciences, and her time as a group insurance practice director, not only fuels her knowledge, but also drives her commitment to providing effective advice, customized to every situation and solution.

Julien Gagnon

Vice-president, occupational health and safety

A training actuary for 25 years, Julien has been helping employers and associations of all sizes to understand the financial and legal challenges of OHS, then choose and implement winning solutions. Julien is one of just a handful of OHS financing experts in Quebec. In collaboration with 2 legal professionals, he wrote le Guide pratique du financement du régime d’indemnisation des lésions professionnelles, a practical financing guide to the employment injury compensation system), published by Éditions Yvon Blais.

After a long career with leading Canadian and international actuarial firms, he joined ACT in 2018 to get closer to companies and work more directly with them in their best interests.

Stéphanie Breton

Vice-President, retirement saving program and global compensation

With more than a decade of pension actuarial consulting experience, Stéphanie, an Associate of the Society of Actuaries, intuitively understands that no one business is alike. Her personalized, hands-on approach delves deep into the sensibilities and needs of every client.

Stéphanie knows the key to a successful retirement savings program is employee engagement. Knowledge and experience help her zero-in on, and deliver, solutions that matter most to her clients.